With a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, Firefly's Bird Encyclopaedia says there are more chickens in this world than any other bird. Chickens supply two sources of protein in food: chicken meat and eggs.[Edit] Biology and habitat
Domesticated fowl originating from the red jungle fowl (chicken bangkiwa, Gallus Gallus) who live in India. However, molecular testing suggests possible genetic contribution of G. sonneratii, because the red jungle fowl do not have yellow skin trait that became a feature of pet chickens.
Chickens showed morphological differences between the two types of sex (sexual dimorphism). Rooster (jago, rooster) is more attractive, larger in size, has a long spur, berjengger larger, and long tail feathers dangle. Hen (hen, hen) is relatively small, small, spur short or barely visible, small berjengger, and short tail feathers. Sex is regulated by the hormone system. In the event of disturbances in body physiology function, hens can change sex to male because adult chicken ovotestis still have a dormant and can be active at any time.
As pets, chickens are able to follow where humans carry. These animals are very adaptive and can be said to live in any place, provided that the available food for him. Because most pet chickens have lost the ability to fly well, they spend less time on the ground or sometimes in trees.
Small-sized chicken occasionally preyed upon by birds of prey, like hawks.Chicken eggs.Roosters were crowing in the morning.[Edit] Various kinds
Because the chicken including the popular and inexpensive domestic birds, appear due to various technical terms and poultry breeding activities.
By function
According to its function, is the knowledge
or broiler chicken (broiler), to be utilized flesh;
laying hens (layers), to use her eggs;
ornamental chicken or chicken pet (pet, Klangenan), to be released in the garden / park or maintained in confinement due to the appearance or beauty of his voice (eg dwarf chickens and chicken pelung; bekisar chicken can also be classified here even though not a true fowl);
chicken soap, to be a game of cockfighting.
The term used for chicken vegetable or chicken fighting cocks that always loses, and not specifically selected as the broiler.
Based on race
Chicken Sumatra
In Indonesia, the technical term chicken and chicken rather than race (native, or village). Within the meaning of "chicken race" according to the term in question is actually a race that was developed for mass commercial business, such as the Leghorn ("lehor"). Into groups of domestic poultry, there is also a local race of the typical chicken but not developed for mass commercial venture. The chickens of local races so now beginning to be developed (purified) as chicken soap, chicken pet (pet), or for rituals. Here is a local race of chickens in the archipelago that have been developed for the nature / specific performance:
pelung chicken, local races and the superior of Preanger (Cianjur) which has a typical kokokan (long and unique tone), including ornamental chickens;
kedu chicken (including chicken cemani), local and noble race of Kedu region with a characteristic color to jet black muzzle and the meat, including chicken broiler and ornamental;
Nunukan chicken, local and noble race of Nunukan, East Kalimantan, with a straight body shape and large size, the descendants of fighting cocks, including broilers and ornamental;
Based on outward appearance (phenotype) typical
Chicken "bantamweight" is the English term for dwarf or semi dwarf chicken selection results.
There are also several terms to describe the typical appearance of a particular phenotype, but nature is not always exclusive to certain races, such as
Walik chicken (frizzle), chicken with no feathers that cover the body but stood upright;
bali chicken, chicken with no feathers and crested neck in his head, now starting dibiakmurnikan.
dwarf chicken (bantamweight), a general term for chicken with a small size (the proportion of leg length with body size smaller than chicken "normal"), there are various local races and race pure selection in this category.
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